Thursday, April 8, 2010
My Very Own Creations
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
First off, Old Spice.
Basically, the man is not talking to the ladies, even though he said, "Hello ladies." He's talking to guys. And in a very simplistic way, he's saying, "you stink." But it's the way they say it. And the way they say it is very successful, raising sales 4.3%.
Now this is another Old Spice Commercial just one year earlier. They say basically the same thing: "you stink." But notice the difference of the way they say it.
There's no one way to do great advertisement. But some ways are a lot better than others.
Here's another example: Doritos.
And one of their less effective advertisements back in the day.
And just cause I like these next commercials, Skittles have been doing great advertisements.
This next one appeals to me, just because they're yelling in Tagalog and I understand what they're saying.
The writers that came up with this actually were recently hired by Old Spice and made that new commercial you watched above. Now lets take a look at a commercial that was less effective.
By looking at how good advertisements sell their products, you can learn a lot of good principles you can apply to other situations.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Terry Bogard: Graphic Designer
Now that I have explained a little bit about 99desings, I'll tell you a bit of a secret of getting good at whatever you do: Look at and learn from those around you. Look at what they create, and learn from what they did right. I like to create graphic design. So one of my favorite artists to learn from is Terry Bogard.
While I wad around 99designs, Terry Bogard stands out as one of the most impressive graphic designers there. Terry, like me, mostly submits logo designs. He has a firm grasp on both 2D and 3D variations of designs. His designs always look professional and crisp. Not only does his designs stand out because of professionalism, but he can skillfully use light, shape, and contrast to make each design pop.
I don't know how he creates some of his work. I'm still a beginner at graphic design. I'm looking forward to the day when I can create designs like his. And that will happen by looking and learning. If you want to learn how to oil paint, look at Albert Bierstadt. If you want to learn how to sculpt, look at Claes Oldenburg. If you want to learn a more modern art form like graphic design, one of the stops, at least for me, would be Terry Bogard.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Now, 99 designs doesn't pay even close to what a professional graphic designer would get paid. Most projects are around $100-$500. That being said, 99designs is a great place to build up a portfolio. It gives you the creative starting point for designs, the motivation to create your best work, and a bit of cash if the business likes your design. So go on. Check it out. Choose a project and submit a design. It'll be great.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Layer Tennis

This week's highlight is called Layer Tennis.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
CS4 Tutorials

If you're completely new to the programs (like Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, AfterEffects, Premier, etc), the tutorials on will be your best choice. It will go step by step through the different tools and applications within each program. It will be pretty basic, and you'll just learn enough to be comfortable. But after you know the basics and you want to learn to do some really cool effects, Layers Magazine and Creative Cow are right up your alley.
Through Layers Magazine and Creative Cow, you can learn more about meshes, texturizing text, and animating paint. My personal favorite is Layers because they teach you cool effects you can do when you use multiple programs at once. Once you learn some of the principles, you can make your designs more creative because of the different choices you have.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Rad How To

Rad Sechrist is a storyboard artist at Dreamworks Animation. He created his blog to share some ideas and concepts he has learned about drawing. In no way does he say his techniques are the "right way" in doing things. His techniques are only some ways of accomplishing artistic challenges.
I love this blog because it's updated very often, and it has valuable information about drawing. Do you want to know how to draw the "Disney nose"? How can you improve your character design just by improving your shape design? Are you confused about the 180 rule? Have you even heard of the 180 rule? Rad goes step-by-step through concepts for comic book pages, faces, and even character anatomy. The cool thing is that Rad is very down-to-earth in his blog. He says that he didn't have that gift of drawing that some people are born with. Like most of us, he had to work very hard to get to the level he's at right now. The key thing to do is practice. You won't get good unless you practice. It's the only way to get good enough to break into the industry and work on projects like Dreamworks Animation's How To Train Your Dragon.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
This week on Artist Prestige, I asked some of my roommates what artistic blogs they like to follow. The result? 2P Start! If you love video games, you are going to love this blog. And if you're like me and only know about Mario Bro., you'll still find this pretty funny.
2P Start is a comic blog that likes to play around with parodies of video games. Like I said, I don't play video games that often. But anyone that knows anything about Nintendo will appreciate this blog. Tim Harding writes up the comic while Ray Hargreaves draws up them up. Ray uses Adobe Illustrator for the most part. I like this blog because it's very simple and crisp. Ray likes to use different styles using the same medium.
Just like how Ray experiements with different styles, so can all types of artists. It will build up a wide variety in your skill library. Everyone can learn from all sorts of artists!
Since Valentines Day is coming right up:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Jed's Sketch Emporium
This week's highlight is Jed's Sketch Emporium!
Jed Henry is a BYU Alumni that directed Kites, a Student Emmy winning short film. Even though he graduated with a bachelors degree in Animation, he now works as an illustrator. His blog is more than sketches. It's all sorts of illustrations using mediums from pastels to watercolor. I like this blog because his work has a strong cultural influence. He lived in Japan for a while, and it showed in his earlier pieces. Of course like a growing artist, he's moving along to different focuses. He has pieces from when he visited Hawaii, watched his wife's volleyball team, and when he was in the Las Vegas Airport. He drew from all around him. Drawing from life is a very good way of improving your skill.
I like how Jed has played with a lot of different mediums. For his children illustrations, his pieces are very simple, soft, and childlike. His sketches are very loose and free. And his watercolors are very expressive. But the thing that's neat to see is that he has a distinct style. Even though he has played with all sorts of mediums, he is confident with his style. That's a difficult task for a new artist. That comes with constant consistent practice.
Jed Henry's blog is interesting to visit because this is a regularly updated blog of a budding artist in the professional world. For those new are experienced, all of us can take a page out of Jed's book and learn something different.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Sketch Club

Well, let's start this off right with one of my favorite blogs: The Sketch Club
The Sketch Club is a group of artists that picks at lunch a 'mark,' a person of interest, to draw. What makes this so interesting is they won't draw the mark until they come back from lunch. The reason why I like this blog so much is because you get to see a variety of styles. Even though the artists are drawing the same person, each will have a different focus and take on the person.
Those that are new to sketching should notice how the artists play with the characteristics of the person. They don't try to make the sketch look exactly like the person, but find the essence of them and make it visually appealing.
My favorite artist on this blog is Marcelo Vignali. I like how he changes his style up but still make his sketches amazing. His characters flow well and have a variety in line. For all those that are searching for some inspiration should look at his work. All of us can learn from him.